Thursday night happy hour! Yeah! Meeting hottie Sarah at the Mex to see what trouble we can stir up tonight. Gots to start planning my work, and working my plan if I do not want to die alone, living in a cardboard box under a viaduct. Not feeling mojolicious but every great athlete pushes past their pain. I am the Dating Misanthrope! No pain, no gain! I have decided this weekend is going to be a Body Temple weekend. No drinking...try not to smoke. Work out. Eat salmon. Clean out closets, do expenses, organize! Lots of fruit and tea. Tonight is my last chance at happiness until Sexual Chocolate's bday bash next Friday and I intend to live it up. I have always believed that self improvement is for the other guy, but my current dry spell is showing me otherwise. I need to be the kind of person that will attract the kind of guy I would want to be with. We have all heard the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I am going to shake it up by doing a program of self denial and misery. I have also ordered some HGH supplements. I KNEW Trimspa didn't work for Anna Nicole! I took that shit and had the appetite of a fucking truck driver. My ex dependant Alexandra and I started calling it FATspa. If HGH worked for that fat pig, drug laden Anna, I expect I can rock it. Clean closets, clean colen, clean finances.....I want the Bounce dryer sheet smell all over my life. I know I am talking all tough now, but it is Thursday night happy hour and the world is at my (soon to be Bouncey smelling) feet.
You know what else Anna Nicole was taking? Cocaine. Unless you wanna start doing lines like Tony Montana, the only way HGH supplements are going to make you lose weight is by making your wallet lighter.
You're already a smokin hottie Kat, you don't need to be pumping your body full of this shit.
Muah! See, as much as I appreciate the compliment your feedback makes me want to go smoke some crack. I am looking for a way to get skinny which does not involve working out, not drinking or eating right. I am trying to beat the system and I appreciate the suggestion. Coke! Why didn't I think of that!
You could always try my ex-girlfriend's approach, bulemia. Seemed to work for her although the long term health effects are probably not good. Nice thing about it is that you get to eat whatever you want and then some. Downside is having your teeth rot out of your head if you're not careful.
I still think Coke is better. I like my teeth.
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