Boy Gorgeous came over last night for what we like to call the Wine and Work. The idea is to spend time together, drink some wine and work until you are sending out questionable emails. (I swear, he is like Yogi bear with booze. My wine club shipment came yesterday and he calls immediately, Hey Boo Boo, do you have a pic-a-nic basket?? Creepy sixth sense for those sort of things.) As we Wine and Work, jam out to some Jay Z......the New Guy calls! Why was I so worried? We start to have some dirty phone talkin' complicated by the fact Boy Gorgeous is within earshot. (BG already made fun of me because I started talking in my best sex kitten voice when I picked up the phone.) Due to my company, our phone sex was cut short, BUT we did make plans for tonight! I am going to go over to his place and give thanks a touch early this year. (See, I TOLD you not to worry!) I am debating on what to wear on top (and underneath, meow!) I am looking forward to being stuffed like a turkey and sent on my way. Sigh. Good times! This is wrong on so many levels, but it seems appropriate; http://www.pickleparty.com/ecards/index.cgi?card=70&cat=1&ratings=ok&ratings.x=47&ratings.y=21
Happy Thanksgiving my dear friends! I will most likely not be posting for a couple of days as I am going to see my Dad. Think he may lock me up if he knew my secret identity as the Dating Misanthrope (I will wear long pants and a sweater to hide my tights and cape and tatoo.) Hope you get some stuffing too!
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