I have a date tonight. Yay! I do not have a mean name for him yet, the pet names usually indicate the beginning of the end for a guy. Right now, he is just his name. Like a clean piece of paper, nothing but possibilities. I love this. Nails done yesterday. Blow out today to ensure I look like a Charlie's Angel. Trip to Frederick's to buy some whorey underpants. Grocery store for wine. I am all pumped up. Boy Gorgeous and I had lunch today. He thinks I am the dirtiest one of all of us. Not possible is it?? I like sex, so what? Doesn't everyone? Evidently I like it a touch more than most. He was amazed at how much effort I have put into this. I asked if he gets excited when he is going to have sex. He said, yes about five minutes before. I wish I were male..........be a lot less complicated. Wish me fuck...oops Freudian type, I meant luck. Muah! Kat
What happened to not putting out until the 3rd date? Have I not taught you anything?
You can lead a slut to water.....
typical woman, says one thing and then does the oposite. I'm not criticizing for it, just wish more women would say what they mean.
Also, you need to make sure the water is safe to drink. Go to your favorite drinking hole if you're that thirsty.
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