In Vegas for meetings. Not as much of a boondoggle as I had anticipated. I am actually WORKING. Ugh. Long days and I now have a brief break in the action. Going out with Sissy and Tex tonight for dinner. This is our annual girl's night out. We do a nice dinner, trying Emeril's place at the MGM this year followed by lots of gambling and drinking. (Fast forward to later, picture Sharon Stone in casino where she is throwing chips around.) We get rowdy and have a mighty fine time. It has been fun seeing people's reaction to my hair. I wish I had a picture of my boss when he saw me for the first time yesterday. My old boss must have a thing for red heads.....he was quite attentive to me last night. Sissy and Tex didn't have much to say....if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Actually, Tex just looked at me and laughed stating, "we are going to have fun tonight. You are just too much!" The Country Music Awards are at the MGM tonight. I am not sure I would recognize a country artist if I tripped over one. On the positive side, I am looking quite trailer trashy so I may attract a country and western star. Isn't bright red hair indicative of good ol' fashioned back woods in the Ozarks inbreeding a la Sissy Spacek? Tonight is my last hurrah for a while. I intend on keeping my word and jumping on the self-improvement bandwagon when I get home tomorrow. OK, I am off to primp and fluff and hike and stuff myself before I venture out onto the Strip. Wish me luck landing a cowboy tonight! HeeeeeYawwwwwwww!!
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