I apologize to the Filthy and Gorgeous posse for not posting for a few days, I have been sick. REALLY sick......I have had a fever of 102 and have not been able to swallow. I haven't eaten since Saturday night (I had BETTER have lost some lbs. or I will be PISSED!!) I got in to see the doc on Tuesday and got a throat culture (Boy Gorgeous queried if I had gonorrhea or chlamydia in my throat, what are friends for?) During this period it occurs to me how very very alone I truly am. As a single person, I think the time when the full implication of what this means is when you are sick. Schlepping to the doc, then to the pharmacy, then home to walk the dogs.....make my own tea. It is miserable. I am particularly vulnerable when I have a fever, and at one point I started sobbing at my seemingly hopeless situation, tears streaming down my face. I HATE this. In the meantime, my phone is ringing off the hook with invitations to go to San Fran this weekend to party with San Fran, meet Mr. Catt for dinner, meet the Actor at Mex for cocktails, go with Boy Gorgeous to the Clippers game, fool around with Skeptic (who said we must disengage if I cannot swallow, HA!), hang out with Sarah and Ashley. I am burning up with both a fever and jealousy that life goes on without me. Right now, I really really just want a Popsicle. Ugh. Long walk across the street to the grocery store. Think I will just stew in my juices and fantasize about having a loving man that would bring me some. I must be delusional with fever.........
1 comment:
You should know by now that all it takes is a phone call or email, and I'd stop by to make sure you're ok. Hell, popsicles are easy and I don't have any issues with picking that up for you...the cigarettes I had issues with, but I still did that for you...what does that say about me???
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