Oh my God, I have NEVER been so scared in my life. Seriously, I am pretty fearless and I was shitting a brick tonight to the point I left Sissy and Boy Gorgeous messages as to my last known location and companion. With car make and model sort of scared. To back up the story a bit, I was lucky enough to get four
tix in the premier seats for the Clippers game tonight. I invited Sarah who invited Ian who invited his old
roommate.....who I can't remember his name. We had a good time at the game, the
tix were pretty good and we all
estimated their value at about a grand. Thank you Kat! Sarah, the designated driver got drunk. After the game, we went to a bar so she could sober up a bit and eventually the guy that I cannot remember his name had a thing and needed to go home, immediately. He was going to take a train or bus to do so. As those in the posse know, we come together, we leave together so we all get walking to the car to go. On the way, I get in an argument with the guy who's name I can't remember. Honestly, I am thinking he was being ungrateful, and a puss as it was only a little after ten. I don't like him, but Sarah does. We are almost at the car, and Ian has to pee. He ducks behind the wall in the walkway to the parking structure and was gone for a while. Sarah and the guy who's name I don't remember are talking and hitting it off
famously while we wait. I see Ian as he walks out from behind the wall and report to the
troops that he is done.....but then he vanishes. Gone. He is just plain gone.
OK. Logical, yet drunk Kat thinks he turned right instead of left and we need to go
retrieve him. Have I mentioned I am wearing stilettos and my dogs are barking up a storm at this point? Sarah and the guy who's name I can't remember start to wonder off in the direction of NOTHING and I yell at them to come back, they are going the WRONG direction. Sarah calls Ian and, with all due respect, has NO sense of direction. I ask for the phone, and tell Ian to go look for a Staples center sign and stand beneath it. "Are we clear? You see the sign? You standing below it?
OK, we will find you so stay put." In the meantime, Sarah demands the phone back, and then she and
dumbass, who's name I cannot remember, begin wondering off again. They have NO clue, they are going the WRONG direction and I REALLY do not want to have to go the the four fucking points of the world to
retrieve these fucking people. I yell, "THIS way. SARAH...THIS WAY!!!" and eventually get them to follow me, and we find Ian. So, this is where the details get somewhat hazy. We are happy we were reunited with Ian. We begin walking back to the car. Sarah is
ripshit pissed because I yelled at her and will not drive back until I "calm down." Honestly, I was calm.....I was task orientated. I felt as if I had just corralled a bunch of wet cats. I said I didn't want to have this
convo. I just wanted to get in the car and go home. Sarah said she wouldn't get in the car because she felt hostility from me. I was hostile alright, getting more so by the minute. I reiterated I did not want to argue, let's just get in the car and go. Things got more heated......like I said hazy. She said she wouldn't take me home and I should get a cab (fucking a grand in
tix, I bought drinks, her friends were retards that couldn't stick together and now I am having to take a cab...hundred bucks you think?) FUCK THIS. She got some old guy to pull over in his little golf cart to call a taxi stating she wouldn't leave me there in good conscious without having a ride. Once again, FUCK THIS. I am not going to stand there waiting for you to have your Christian sensibilities met. I
began walking, stating I didn't want, nor need, her charity. So. As fate would have it, I actually did need her Christian charity. No taxis anywhere. My Motorola Q...not working so much. I was stuck, in the middle of the fucking, no shit, ghetto........with a dead phone and a credit card. I got some parking lot attendant to pull out my phone battery...phone rebooted and I was back in touch with
civilization. Called two cab companies and neither answered. I sat on the stairs of the Staples center (this is a bad dream right?) thinking about what to do next. I am in the ghetto. There is NOBODY around. Seriously scary. No shit. I am pretty tough, but now I am beginning to freak out. I am a firm believer that there isn't any situation money can't get you out of....however....this one I am pretty much thinking that money isn't working...........I don't even have cash, I only have a credit card. At this point, a security guard asks me where I want to go and I tell him the Valley. He says if i buy him twenty bucks of gas he will take me there. I have no other options, I am cold..I have to pee. I have no c
igs and my phone is dicey at best. Seemed like the best deal I had at the time. We go to his car in the parking structure....I have a
BAAD feeling in my stomach about this. I got in the car, and no shit, made sure there was a door handle on the inside of the passenger seat (seen too many hitchhiker movies.) I began
texting Sissy about my whereabouts....here is the make and model of the car, the guy's name is Peter, we stopped at this gas station. Left the same message for Boy Gorgeous. I was scared. Really really scared. Peter took me home, I had NO idea where the fuck I was or how to get home. We took a bunch of off ramps to side streets which led to the different freeways we were going to.......from my perspective these were the roads he was going to rape me on and then chop me up on....I feel badly as Peter ended up being a really nice guy. He said at one point that he could sense I was afraid of the big black man. I told him I have no issues with big black men, it is more of a "I don't know you and I am in your car totally at your fucking mercy" that scared me. Lucky for me, I found a very nice guy to take me home. I got home and 1am......I am exhausted and
relieved to be home intact. It could have very easily been different. So, the question remains, can I EVER speak to Sarah again? There is nothing one of my chick posse could say/do that would make me leave them behind. I would fireman carry a drunk and disorderly girl home. I will NEVER trust her again. She was hot for the guy who's name I cannot remember and she picked him over me. She left me in the ghetto, no joke, ghetto. How could I ever forgive that? Further, it is 1:55 am and she hasn't called to see if I made it home alive. I would never do that to another woman. Shame on her. To the Filthy and Gorgeous posse, don't tell her I am
OK. Let her wonder. She should learn what true friendship is about.